Press Release – Becoming Nick

Nick is about how far a man would go when their moral line was blurred. Nick, like most people in this world, is a good guy. He just wants to do his job and see his family. But we all have our breaking points. Some people become stronger, some people become broken, and then there are those people like Nick: they pass their breaking point and embrace it.

Announcing “Becoming Nick”

I wrote Nick the year after my son was born. There were so many emotions and confusion swirling around inside me. I never knew how much being a father would change me. I kept having nightmares about things happening to my son and me having to protect him. I would have done anything. That evolved into Nick.

About Becoming Nick

Paperback: 216 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 24, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1535200197

ISBN-13: 978-1535200196

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.5 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces


About the story:

Nick, a divorced father of two, is stuck in a dead-end security job. But it pays the bills. After being fired, he faces losing visitation with his sons. When a powerful woman offers him a job as her private security, he can’t resist. However, Nick may have accepted more than he can handle when he finds out just what this new job entails. Can he keep his sanity, or will he embrace the evil he discovers?

Read the story >


About PJ Mayhair:

P. J. Mayhair lives with his wife, son, and two dogs in Southern Maryland. He enjoys writing novels, short stories, and scripts. When he’s not writing he’s having bonfires, playing dinosaurs with his son, creating terrible drawings, and trying to find a way to create jellybean whiskey. He haunts, and can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.