Welcome To The Site!

Thank you for joining me here for the launch of my new website!

Why a website?

For one, this site will be a go-to place for getting in touch with me and finding out what I am up to. You can always find me on social media, but pages and post are notoriously hard to follow if you have many groups and pages that you frequent. Also, the space that they offer for sharing information is somewhat limiting. Here, you can find out just what is going on with current projects, promotions, appearances, and any other things I can think of to share with you.

Secondly, this site will be a connection with the rest of the Indie Horror community. There are many talented and amazing artist–rather they are filmmakers, make-up artist, painters/sketchers, or prop makers–and I will be talking about them and their work. You want to be on the inside track with what is going on in the horror world, don’t you?

Lastly, this site will also talk about writing skills. I work with a publisher and a family of writing Facebook groups and will be sharing articles that I have written or work that is relevant written by guest contributors.

So welcome, and feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!